Decorative candles

Make yourself a merry little Christmas. 24 days of gifts and makes to create a frugal home made Christmas.

DAY fourteen:
Decorative Candles.

You will need plain white candles of choice.

For candles 1: Cut out images or stickers.

For candles 2: Pressed flowers and leaves.

A spoon


All purpose sealer (I used Jo Sonja)

Candle 1:

Cut out images of choice. Decoupage images are usually small enough to make a nice arrangement around your candle. Light another candle and heat the inside of a metal spoon (Be careful) Rub the hot spoon over the candle to allow the wax to melt slightly enough to adhere the images onto the candle. You can add some glitter paint over the images and varnish. Keep the images, the glitter paint and the sealer well below the candle wick.

Candle 2:

Use pressed flowers and leaves, arrange them one at a time using a hot spoon to melt some of the candle wax to ‘glue’ the leaves and flowers to the candle. This takes time and is a slow process, but looks attractive in the end.

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